14. Is Obedience Legalism?
22 lessons
What you'll learn
People often feel it is okay to violate a minor traffic law or two or perhaps to cheat “a little bit” on their taxes, but God and His laws work much differently. God sees everything we do, hears everything we say, and He really does care about how we treat His law.While the Lord offers forgiveness for our sins, it doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for breaking God’s law.
Amazingly, some Christians say that any attempt to obey God’s law amounts to legalism. Yet Jesus said if you really love God, you’ll do what He asks. So, is obedience really legalism? Take time to read this Study Guide carefully. Eternal consequences are at stake!

32 students
22 lessons
Language: English
1 quiz
Assessments: Yes
Skill level All levels
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